We. need. to. talk. People! About what? You may ask. Well, we need to talk about this homemade dulce de leche. Dulce de leche is a creamy and delicious sauce that is similar in appearance to caramel sauce. It’s cooked low and slow on the stove, and has the most gorgeous dark brown color you have ever seen!
Now, i’m about to get nerdy for a second, but the science behind cooking and baking is quite fascinating sometimes. Watching the milk and sugar mixture turn into a luscious sauce when heated is absolutely magical. Since the milk and sugar are simmering low and slow, you literally get to witness the process of caramelization happening right before your eyes. This process causes the beautiful brown hue to appear, while the heat causes the liquid from the milk to evaporate and leave you with a creamy texture. While learning how to create this sauce, I was introduced to the Maillard Reaction. This reaction is apparent in this dulce sauce, as it is responsible for giving browned foods their distinctive flavors. Our baking soda listed in the recipe assists this reaction and gives this sauce that unmistakable flavor.
This sauce can literally be put on ANYTHING. I recently used it as a filling for my Mexican Hot Chocolate Hamantaschen, but since making this sauce a few days ago, I see more use in my future. Use this thick, creamy and delicious sauce to top ice cream, or even to drizzle over a cake or pie. Check it out!
Prep time:1 ½ - 2 hours
Yields: 1 ½ Cups
4 cups whole milk*
1 ½ cups sugar
2 tablespoons corn syrup
½ teaspoon baking soda
1 ½ teaspoon vanilla
In a saucepan combine milk, sugar, corn syrup and vanilla, bring to a boil
Bring to a boil, and then lower heat and allow mixture to simmer; stir every few minutes
Once sugar is dissolved, remove from heat and add the baking soda and mix until combined; return to the heat and allow to simmer for 1 ½ -2 hours.
Check on mixture and stir every 10 minutes
Once mixture has turned a lighter brown color, begin checking every 5 minutes
To test if done, spoon some onto a plate and run a spoon down the middle, if the mixture stays where is and does not spread back in the middle then it done.
Strain the mixture through a mesh strainer and whisk when completed.
*I used a non-dairy option to make this parve. The rich whip pints work well!
**If a thicker sauce is desired, whisk in 2 tablespoons of cornstarch before straining the mixture.